The story follows friends Hedi (Valerie Stoll), Fritzi (Lia von Blarer), Harry (The story follows friends Hedi (Valerie Stoll), Fritzi (Lia von Blarer), Harry (Joel Ba求爱an) and Georg (Damian Thüne). Hedi is a sales assistant in the warehouse owned by Fritzis father. During a robbery at the KaDeWe, the two meet and fall in love. Despite considerable social resistance, as well as their families’ disapproval, the two very different young women start a relationship. Another unusual alliance is formed when Harry (Joel Ba求爱an), the older brother of Fritzi, who is a war veteran and comes back to take over the warehouse, has to confront young clerk Georg (Damian Thüne), in whom Harrys strict father has placed his trust.详情